Connect with us

You belong here! We want to help you take a next step. 

Fill out our connect card HERE and one of our team members follow up with you.

Serve Team

God has gifted each of us with a unique set of skills. We believe he asks us to use those skills to further his Kingdom. 

Whether you're new here or already an active part of this community, we’d love to help you find a way to get plugged in! Fill out the serve team interest form HERE and select which ministry you'd like information about.


Baptism is a personal and public declaration of your faith in Jesus Christ. If you've decided to follow Jesus and are ready to take your next step, click the link HERE to connect with us!

Our next water baptism will be May 18th.

Child Dedication

We believe child dedications are the declaration of you, as parents, to raise your child to know and understand God and a relationship with him through Jesus Christ. Child dedications can occur at any time in a child’s life (not just as infants) because it is your vow to God, as opposed to the decision of your child.

If you are interested in dedicating your child, sign up by clicking HERE

Our next child dedication will be March 30th.